My Disappearing Voice: Transcending Selective Mutism (27 Faces of the Dread)

Her face becomes stone in the light of uncertain powers. Standing poised as a chiseled statue atop some high fortress, her voice retreats into an anxious place behind blank, wary eyes. Smart words line themselves inside walls void of windows and doors. If a few syllables manage to escape past rigid vocal cords, the resulting sentences will barely resemble the thought from which they originated. Childhood mutism stills another small voice. She struggles with her self regard, until one day, a pale blue college essay booklet reveals a whole new world of possibility.

Her face becomes stone in the light of uncertain powers. Standing poised as a chiseled statue atop some high fortress, her voice retreats into an anxious place behind blank, wary eyes. Smart words line themselves inside walls void of windows and doors. If a few syllables manage to escape past rigid vocal cords, the resulting sentences will barely resemble the thought from which they originated. Childhood mutism stills another small voice. She struggles with her self regard, until one day, a pale blue college essay booklet reveals a whole new world of possibility.


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